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The Connecticut River Valley section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (CRV-AIHA) was founded in 1971 by a small group of industrial hygienists who felt that interaction and the exchange of ideas with other safety professionals throughout the state could benefit each other and the profession as a whole.  Decades later, that same belief continues to hold true.

Membership in the Connecticut River Valley section of the AIHA is open to all individuals in the health, safety, and environmental fields.  The section holds an annual all day conference in the fall, as well as dinner meetings, PDCs, and other events throughout the year.  Please consider joining us for our next event! 


2024 CRV AIHA Annual All-Day Conference will be held on October 9th, 2024. To register, click HERE.


None at this time

Meeting Presentations

All-Day Presentations-Presentations from the 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017 All-Day Conference can be found in the "NEWS" section.

The slides from the April 7th Ergonomics: Working from Home meeting can be found HERE.

The presentation from the April 27, 2023 meeting on "Combating Combustible Dust in the Workplace" can be found HERE.

The Ethics Training presentation from September 20, 2023 can be found HERE


Membership in the CRV-AIHA allows you reduced fees for events.  In addition, donations are made to the AIHF as well as other groups.  Dues can be paid through AIHA (national) or by clicking HERE.

Local Section Scholarships

The CRV local section has provided the students below with a scholarship for 2021.

Pictured above (L-R)

Ryan Cirillo, CUNY, MS Candidate in Industrial Hygiene

Luke San Juan, UCONN, Undergraduate in the Allied Health Sciences Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) concentration

Mackenzie Lloyd & Kathleen Rosenbaum, Keene State, both undergraduates in the Safety and Occupational Health Applied Sciences program

Great evening with members on the Thimble Island Cruise

Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the Connecticut Science Center

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